Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Bhujangasana(serpent Posture)

Bhujangasana(serpent Posture)
Bhujanga means serpent. In the final position of the position , the body looks like a serpent when  it raises  its hood.
Sthiti: Lie down on the  prone with hands  above the head keeping  straight  along side the head resting the palms on the ground, touching the chin on the floor , and  legs together soles facing up. Keep the body from toes to head in a straight line.

1.       Bend both the elbows  and place the palms on the floor  by the side  of the last rib bone.
2.       Slowly lift the head  and then  raise the chest . Feel the weight of the  body at the lumbar  region .
3.       Bring the chest and head down, touching  the floor with the chin.
4.       Release the hands and place them above the head region on the floor i.e come back to the sthiti.
Benefits of Bhujangasana(serpent Posture) :
Keep dorsal spine elastic and strong . Thoracic muscles expand and tone up all the 31 pairs of spinal nerves.
Good for back aches due to over strain work, neck pain, cervical spondilitis ,hunch back bronchitis, asthma, digestive disorders, redcucition of the abdominal fat. Improves digestion and bowel action.
Rise of Kundalini is noticed at the body level in the form of heat and energy out bursts.
Caution ; Hernia patients and hypertensives should avoid .
Subtel points
Mode of breathing
In the first step elbows facing towards the roof /sky and keep the fingers together.
In final posture try to lift the trunk till the navel portion is about to leave the ground.
Arch the dorsal spine well.
Keep the body below navel straight in touch with the floor.
Mode of breathing :-

Breathe out whenever you came downwards and inhale while raising up .Normal breathing in the final position. 

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