Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Halasana & Padmasana-The Lotus Pose

Halasana(Plough Posture)

Halasana(Plough Posture)
Hala means plough. In the final position of the posture , the body looks like a plough.
Sthiti: Lie down in the supine position keeping the legs together and stretch the hands straight above the head region i.e from toes to head, the entire body in a straight line.
1.       Raise both the legs together up to 45 degrees from the ground.
2.       Further raise the legs up to 90 degrees and place the hands by the side of the body.
3.       Raise the further the buttocks and the trunk talking the support of the arms and the elbows by firmly placing the elbows on the ground and support the back with both the palms. Keep the legs parallel to the ground.
4.       Bend further and touch the toes on the floor above the head. Stretch the ankles.
5.       Return to position NO.3
6.       Return to Position No.2
7.       Return to Position No.1
8.       Return to Sthiti.
The back muscles, vertebrae, and lumbar nerves are stretched and kept healthy. Flexes and stretches abdominal muscles. Neck region receives plenty of blood supply to chest increases. Helps to maintain healthy Thyroid. Elasticity of spine increases.
Good for dyspepsia, constipation due to weak abdominal muscles.
Activates, warms up, lightens the psycho physiological system.
Caution : Jerks at all stages should be avoided . All the limitations of Paschimatanasana apply to this also.
Subtle points:
Mode of Bending :
Keep the knees straight in the final position.
Mode of breathing :
Breathe out whenever you bend downwards  and inhale while rasising up. Normal breathing in the final position.

Padmasana-The Lotus Pose

Padmasana-The Lotus Pose
Padma is the lotus. Lotus flower is the symbol of purity , symmetry and balance. Practice of padmasana instills these qualities in the  practitioners body- mind system.
Sit erect with legs stretched heels together , palms pressing on the floor by  the side of the buttocks.
1.       Fold the right leg at the knee and place the right heel at  the root of the left  thigh.
2.       Fold the left leg, at the knee and place the left heel at the root of the right thigh . Place your palms on the knees, facing upwards. Join the tips of the thumb and the fore finger, keeping the other fingers straight . Sit erect in a relaxed mood.
3.       Unfold the left leg and return to Step 1.
4.       Unfold the right leg and return to Sthiti position.

BenefitsPadmasana-The Lotus Pose:
 Maintains balanced flow of energy throughout the body. Very useful in the practice of Antaranga yoga as one can sit comfortably for a long stretch of time maintaining  the awareness.
Caution: Severe arthritis patients should do carefully.

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