Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Suptravajrasana(supine ankle posture)

Suptravajrasana(supine ankle posture)
Supta menas reclined/dormant. In the final position of the posture, the back rests on the floor , while keeping the feet under the buttocks as in vajrasana.
Sthiti: Sit Erect with legs stretched heels  together , palms pressing on the floor by the side of the buttocks.
1.       Fold the right leg at the knee and place the heel under the right buttock.
2.       Fold the left leg at the knee and place the heel under the left buttock. Knees must be together and rest the palms on the upper thighs.
3.       Slowly recline backwards keeping the entire body weight on the right elbow and then on the left  elbow.
4.       Lie on the back by crossing the hands over the head.
5.       Release the hands and keep them along the side of the body. Return to position No.3
6.       With the support of the elbows slowly come back to vajrasana position.(Return to position no.2)
7.       Unfold the left leg and keep it straight.
8.       Unfold the right leg and keep it straight i.e return to sthiti.
    Benefits Suptravajrasana(supine ankle posture):
   Stretches and tones up spine, abdominal organs and pelvic region . Increases blood flow to thighs and buttocks . Reduces stiffness and rigidity in thighs and legs . Mobilising hips, ankles and lower back.
. The dormant forces at the base of the spine become active and by regular practice relaxation deepens.
   Those who have cervical spondilitis and heart problems should avoid.
Subtle Points:
Mode of breathing :
Keep the knees close together touching the ground .
Mode of Breathing:
Breathe out whenever you bend downawards and inhale while coming up . Normal breathing in the final position.

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