Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Savasana (The corpse Pose)

Savasana (The corpse Pose)

Savasana (The corpse Pose)
Sava means Corpse. The final position of the body resembles a corpse. This asana also signifies that one should be dead to all the external and internal stimulation without any response like a corpse.
Sthiti: Lie down on the floor like a dead body .Spread your feet apart and hands apart from the body Adjust the parts of the body in their most comfortable positions , which may differ for different practitioners. The aim of the practice of the asana is to systematically relax all the body parts and internal oragans. In an advanced state of practice one can even the mental tensions and stresses. Further practice will lead to higher levels of concentration and meditation . In the beginning learn to relax with the help of  a guide.
Benefits of Savasana (The corpse Pose):
It strengthens and tones up the entire system . All the muscles and joints get relaxed.
Savasana is extremely useful in managing the psychosomatic ailments like hypertension, tension headaches etc.
Very useful in practice of Antharanga yoga and enhances the general wellbeing of a person.
Savasana can be practice by all irrespective of age and physical status. Maintain slow, deep, relaxed, rhythmic and synchronized breathing throughout the practice .  Savasana can also be practiced in any comfortable position apart from lying down in the supine position.

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